Hi everyone! I just took my first GRE exam today. I got an unofficial score of 160 Q 161 V. The order was QVQVQ. Although I’ve been studying for a few months I’m actually quite new to GregMAT and I’ve only been using it for the past 2 weeks. I want to thank Greg and everyone here for making such a friendly supportive environment. I would love to attend the actual classes live but because I live in Australia the time zone difference is quite prohibitive =(
I was wondering what the best way forward is for me. My goal is to score 165 or above in both sections. How should I approach studying from now? Should I follow the 2 month plan or focus on certain areas? Thanks everyone!
wait for your diagnostic and then tackle your weakness . After getting your diagnostic and reviewing it you can then customize the two months plan to work on your shortcoming rather than doing everything. Great score btw!!!
Hi! I think we’re on the same boat! I also just discovered GregMat <1mo before my scheduled test. I took the GRE for the first time a month ago and scored a 160Q 162V. I decided to take it again after the 21-day period and got a 161Q 166V! In the 3-4 weeks before my 2nd test, I did the ff.:
Rest!!! Can’t stress this enough. I feel like I got burnt out taking too many sets and practice tests weeks before the test. I did zero GRE for a week after my 1st test to reset my brain.
I really drilled down on my foundations. Verbal - Vocab 500 words/day using Greg’s and Magoosh list, plugged into Anki. By the end of the 2 week period, I made sure I’m able to quickly define every word. Spaced repetition really, really goes a long way. I breezed through SE and TC, and even had extra ~5min time left to review, because I felt sure of my vocab. (To give context: I’m not a native speaker, but I read 30-40 books/year and took a humanities minor)
I also focused on my Quant foundation. Honestly, I skipped this process the first time around and jumped immediately to answering practice problems… Bad decision. Knowing it’s my foundation pulling me down, I pored through Greg’s Quant Concept series 2 weeks leading up to my 2nd exam. I think it really helped me identify conceptual shortcuts and just in general gave me more confidence in my processes.
I still wish I did better in Quant, but at this point I think it’s best for me to let go and focus on the rest of my grad school apps. Hope this helps!!! Good luck!
Thanks, I’ll certainly be doing that. Foundations for quant are absolutely crucial thats for sure, and I also definitely have some more words to learn for verbal.
Congratulations on your score. It must be difficult especially for a non-native English speaker. Best of luck on your grad school apps!