2 month vs 1 month plan


Some facts: I have 16 days + 5 days for test trials before my test.
Question 1 : Started prepping with 2 month plan, could finish week 1, now the timeline seems daunting and need advice, should i try to keep up and speed run 2 month plan or should i switch to 1 month plan and focus?
Question 2: I’ve done 8 chapters in 5lb. book and it actually felt good, I would like to finish the book, now when i am exploring 1 month plan it isn’t mentioned under “To-Do” tasks.

At group 5 in verbal GRE words.

Please advice/ guide scholars of the GRE as to help me plan the next upcoming 20 days. Any inputs will be greatly helpful and deeply appreciated. Pre-thnx.

Gave the test prior with little prep and scored 306, I could send my report across. I need a minimum of 165 in quant and 160 in verbal.