Avoiding silly mistakes on quant

i know greg usually recommends re-doing the quant section to be able to catch silly mistakes (mistake reading/mistake in computation etc).

do you all re-do the whole quant section? if i don’t have time to do the whole quant section - which ones do you think are best to re-do? are there other strategies to help with these mistakes?

I would, yes. Remember that since you’ve gotten the ideas in your head, it would not take as long to redo them as before. The purpose of re-doing is more of a sanity check - to make sure that you haven’t made simple mistakes. Also, for the ones you’re less sure, you might end up getting it on your second try.

thank you - when you re-do them, do you start from the very beginning? just worried about perpetuating a misread or something.

Unless there is good reason to do otherwise, from the beginning.

thank you!!