Big Book Test 4 Section 1 Q4

I’m just unable to wrap my head around the wordings of this one. I know that this is a double possibility, and I saw Greg’s video on this and I agree with what he’s saying:

  1. If the person is NOT HIDING affection i.e., showing, then he loves her - makes sense
  2. If the person is NOT SHOWING affection i.e., hiding, then he dislikes her - makes sense

I chose the opposite pairs because of the word “accused” - isn’t it a negative word that signifies blame? I don’t understand that.

Alternatively, if I use the semicolon as a support, both the ideas should have the same connotation, right? Let’s say in the first case, the second idea obviously has a positive connotation; I can’t understand how the first sentence has a positive connotation: “The old man could not have been accused of hiding his affection”.

Kindly help, I am finding this very confusing