EXTREME Quant Problem of the Day for April 16, 2021

.5 C Is the answer (Jesus, I hate this character limit!!)

Putin, Can you please explain.

In order to satisfy the restriction which s/k is an integer, apparently, k has to be any odd numbers between[1,100]. Thus, P=50/100—>C

If I am correct. Draw a table : First Column K , Second Column S and Third Column S/K .

K S S/K Part of Seq.
1 1 1 Y
2 3 1.5 N
3 6 2 Y
4 10 2.5 N
5 15 3 Y
6 21 3.5 N
7 28 4 Y
8 36 4.5 N
9 45 5 Y
10 55 5.5 N

So from this pattern we observe that half of the values out of 10 are part of the sequence . Hence, we reach to a conclusion from this pattern that for half the values of K (K is from 1 to 100 so for 50 values) the S/K will be part of the sequence.



Mr. Putin, your third column–the value of s/k, seems not right. Yes, it is correct now :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank You so much for correction !! :sweat_smile:

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