Finding Range

So in the above question, should the value taken be 180 degree or 360 degree for solving. Although, in given answer choices, it will not impact our answers either way.
But consider this, if 2 lines intersect, how many angles are formed?
Answer: 4 (2 pairs of vertically opposite angles)
Now, 180 vs 360 would have mattered if “40” was one of the choices and if we were using 180 then we would have said oh no that doesn’t give me an integer but if we were using 360(where we would get 40 angles of 9 degrees each) it would have given an integer. And hence, the dilemma 360 vs 180. Please share thoughts/ comments !

Straight line is always 180 degrees.

Consider the following line big black one with other lines each at 9 degree: (Please excuse for not so uniform drawing)

Here, we have 40 equal integer angles(each measuring 9 degrees) right, although we have only 20 lines? so then should the answer not be explained using 360 as reference rather than 180?

But then since it’s a straight line, you actually have two angles that are cut through by the straight line, creating four smaller angles in addition to the 38 already existing.

So, quick and main question: if 40 was a choice, it would have been an answer? (Pls do explain).
I did not clearly understand the part after first comma in prev statement @Leaderboard
Thanks :slight_smile:

No. Because it’s actually 20 lines that you are comparing between the straight black line.

Ignore that. You are referring to 40 lines over 360 degrees, I was referring to over 180 degrees.