GRE Score - 293; V148, Q145, AWA 4.0

As the title implies, my score is very low. I would like to re-test in 90 days and still I’m waiting for the diagnostic report to populate in ETS. I know that I missed the cut-off of 7 correct as a minimum for both Verbal and Quant.

PrepSwift progress:
Quant: Sep '23 to present: Completed Arithmetic Foundations and Algebra Foundations. Started a bit on Data Foundations.

Verbal: July '23 to present: Magoosh Vocab all Common and Basic words accomplished.

On the GRE, I didn’t encounter many arithmetic or algebra problems, mostly geometry, data, probability all of which unfamiliar to me.

Any quant suggestions would be appreciated to for my upcoming test.

You need to work though the foundation - so (re)do the 1/2 month plan. Don’t skimp on the quant flashcards and mountains.