GRE Synonyms on the 2 month plan?

I don’t see any preparation or learning resources or strategies for GRE synonyms in the 2 month plan, but in since day 5 of the plan, every video has exercises and quizzes on it. Will I get those in this plan in the coming days, or will I have to find a way to learn it myself. And if I’m supposed to do it myself, does anyone have any suggestions or tried and tested ways to do it?
I guess the only way I can think of to do it explicitly go to google and learn the synonyms of words, but that seems very haphazard and unproductive, since I might forget. So open to any suggestions.

There is a synonym list in here but it not advertised on the two month plan as the plan itself is too taxing to start with. So, a better approach will be to do the Greg’s list of 847 or so words first and after that if you still got time then you can study the synonyms.

But it feels bad when I do bad at the exercises and quizzes which very clearly need quite some knowledge and command on synonyms. I tried the 3 vocab quizzes and did very bad at them, which was quite demotivating.

Greg said you need to know around 500 words first to start seeing the benefits of learning the vocabulary. So, give it a little time, maybe check after a month or so to see if you’re making any real progress.

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