Having a hard time increasing my score!

Hey everyone. Hope you’re all well. I have my test scheduled for october 25th , and its been a month since i’ve been preparing. I scored 300 in the PP1, 147 V and 153 Q. Yesterday i gave the paper based PP and got around 301 in it .I have been practicing from the GRE Big book, text completion and passages, and my verbal doesn’t seem to have improved. And i don’t understand why i’m getting low on maths when i’m good at it. i think part of it is time management for sure, i end up trying to finish the questions rashly. i don’t have any lofty expectations of 330+ (wouldn’t mind a score that high) but honestly, something aroung 315 to 320?
Any tips, or ways to improve??

\mathsf{Advice\ for\ quant\ only} :

150ish quant literally means,

the statement like this is not true. I thought I was good at math as well, but I didn’t score full on quant when first time attempting the GRE. Greg said he himself, when wrote the GRE the first time, got 167 on quant. After that he spent so many years and found many holes in his math. With that said, you might want to check concept test classes out to determine your weaknesses that you might not be aware of.

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yeah, i think that might be it. Its not as if the GRE is testing integration or trigonometry so, i guess i have to work on the concepts. But don’t you find the classes way too long? they are 1 hour each