Communal Encyclopedia from vol 1 test 3
Both reading and lecture discuss whether Communal Encyclopedias are the reliable source or not. The former argues that the encyclopedias are not reliable for three reasons, but the latter contradicts each of these points.
First of all, the author states that communal encyclopedias lack information and academic credibility but traditional encyclopedias are written by trained experts. In contrast, the lecturer argues that traditional encyclopedias were never been perfect either. She also states that it’s easier to fix errors in communal encyclopedias.
Moreover, the writer claims that it’s easier for hackers to change information in communal encyclopedias. To, which the speaker objects by saying crucial facts are generally in read-only modes and special editors are hired to monitor important information.
Finally, the text asserts that communal encyclopedias generally focus more on popular topics as a result it creates a false impression. On, the other hand, the listening counters that, while stating that traditional encyclopedias do not contain a great range of interests or topics as compared to their online counterparts.