How to cross the 318 barrier

Hello everyone,
I gave my PP2 (mistakenly selected PP2 instead of PP1) on Sunday, and I scored 318 (Q-164 and V-154). I would like to know what I can do to cross this 318 barrier (I gave some 3rd-party tests from Manhattan-317 and Princeton-316).

Quants I felt speed was the main issue when I was attempting the second section, which I can presume was hard (I got 2 incorrect because I didn’t get much time to solve them), so I think if I can manage my speed, it will be fine.
Verbal (I got S1–12 and S2-11), 7 out of 8 SE’s were correct. In TC, I got around 4 incorrect, and I lost most of my marks in Reading Comprehension.

I just want to know how I can move forward from here. Will focusing heavily on RC help me? I am just confused; it is really important for me to cross this 318 barrier.