How to go from 315 to 320+?

Hi everyone, I’m new here.

I have been preparing for little over a month but with very poor efficiency and manyyy days off in between. However, I’ve given 4 mocks till now and here is the list in order:
Kaplan mock 304 (Q158 v146) [before starting any prep]
Official mock 305 (Q158 v147)
Manhattan Mock 308 (Q158 v150)
Manhattan Mock 312 (Q160 v152)
Manhattan Mock 315 (Q160 v155)
It has been more than 2 weeks since I gave the last mock and I have barely studied anything since then. I will be missing most college deadlines now that I can’t give GRE before Jan ends so I am thinking to apply to just one college in my list whose deadline is March 1 and so I’ll be giving GRE in Feb. In case I am unprepared by the 1st week of Feb, I don’t think I’ll book a date for Feb which means I have to wait for Fall 2023 intake and I don’t want that.

The question is: Should I follow the 1 month study plan or do something else? I don’t know if the 1 month plan is for people who are just starting with their prep and I’m kinda in the middle. Please help me with your inputs I’m in a bad place right now.

I think that if you’re in the middle of your prep, you’ll be able to skip parts of the one month plan according to what you feel you already know. That’ll make it quicker, and you can focus on improving any comparatively weaker areas. In this case, verbal. His verbal strategy videos are great, and you can always adjust the playback speeds.
Again - it’s up to you, and this is just what I think. From what you’ve said, it sounds like you’re absolutely committed to applying for Fall 2022. In that case - whatever you’re going to do, it’s now or never. On test day, it’ll be down to how confident you are with your preparation, so dedicate yourself as well as you can over the next three or so weeks you have. Don’t think of this as your last resort to giving the GRE - it’s a challenge to yourself! It’s easy for the anxiety to get to us (after all, we all have other things going on and I totally get that), but it’s up to us to step up and be greater than what we suffer. Yeah, it’s a tough scenario but remind yourself of all the hours you’ve put in - you’re tougher than you think! Don’t give up on yourself like that!
I know I went in a different direction than you may have been looking for, but hope this helps.

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Yes I’ve started with the 1 month plan and I skip the GRE Review texts and exercise questions which are easy or I’ve done before. I think I’ll stick to the plan because it looks comprehensive and well sort out.
Thanks for the motivational words, it helped.