Hi everyone. I am just starting to study for my upcoming GRE test, which is on september 17th. I joined GregMat+ to access the resources of the new two month plan. After completing Week 1 Quant content (Integers, multiples and factors) and filling the assigned 5 lb book exercises, I ended up only answering correctly 7/33 math problems. I feel really discouraged and I don’t know what else I need to do in order to understand this test and be able to tackle these math problems. What should I do or expect out of my performance? What other things I should be doing in order to practice and learn more effectively?
Use one of these materials to strengthen your Quant foundation :
- Khan Academy https://www.ets.org/gre/revised_general/prepare/khan_academy
- Greg Concept serieshttps://www.gregmat.com/course/gre-quant-concept-series
- ETS Math review https://www.gregmat.com/learn-quant
Thank you!
Hi I think few of the links are not working can you please edit them, I am looking for help in quants
Try again.
thank you for the edits !!
Yeah, sorry for that !! The issue is that the url changed from new.gregmat to gregmat .
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Fixed. To note, clicking “Advanced” and the option to continue would have worked if I’m not wrong.