How to increase my quant score from 164 to 167+? have 10 days

Hey! I got a 164 in my first attempt after doing some quant concept and trick videos from gregmat around 10 days ago, but my score during the diagnostic test a lil more than a month ago, without studying quant, was also 163. The gregmat content helped me do slightly better on time and be more confident, but I am struggling how to effectively study to increase score to 167+. I know if I covered everything and practiced a lot then I could, but I don’t have that much time so looking for most effective suggestions.
Thanks gregmat and good luck everyone else who is in the same boat as me :slight_smile:

@gregmat any tips?

Finish Gregmat QUNAT FLASHCARDS carefully and give the concept quizzes and fundamental quizzes first then asses

Did you see our Four Keys to a High Quant Score video here? Must See Videos - GregMat Course - GregMat

thanks for sharing, I will take a look