Looking for suggestions to make improvements by +4/5 points

Hi all,

Just got my new GRE score (324 , Q166, V158). I took GRE very recently (6th May). My previous GRE score was 323 (Q167, V156). Thanks to @gregmat I was able to improve verbal by +2 but quants tanked by 1 point. For the schools and programs that I am targetting I need 327+ score. I wanted to reach out to you all to seek what should be best course forward. The challenges I face are following:

  1. I commit some silly mistakes in GRE quants. How to avoid that? I believe this time as well I might have either missed a few questions due to minor inaccuracies or the question level was very tough

  2. RC - I lose focus and despite following some of Greg’s techniques, i fail miserably. Is there any specific class series that can prove to be helpful in this case?

  3. SE - I feel that sometimes I miss out on SE questions despite knowing all the word meanings is because of the lack of clarity towards synonyms. Is there anything that I can do to improve my knowledge of synonyms?

It’d be great if any of you can provide some feedback/suggestions/strategies that can prove to be beneficial. Since I have taken the test recently and retain much of the knowledge from the prep, I feel I should take the next test sometime soon but I am open to suggestions.

Kind regards.

Hi, there is no great answer to those questions other than “just keep working at it” unfortunately. However, the good news is you got a 323 and a 324 – those are really great scores!

Hi @gregmat, thank you. I just wanted to see if some specific material from the broad range of content available at the site may have helped some fellow community members. However, I get it that practice is the key. Considering the number of quality questions are limited for GRE, would you recommend any third party questions for practice purpose? In case you’ve covered such questions in some coffee session/strategy classroom, i can have a look at that too.

P.S. absolute fanboy of your content :slight_smile:

I would recommend working on distinct skills and techniques you’re struggling with as opposed to finding new material. Practice of questions is important, so it shouldn’t be completely neglected, but more important is working on discrete GRE skills that lead to success.

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Thanks @gregmat. I’ll focus on this :slight_smile: