Official Guide TC problems

Screenshot from 2021-07-30 01-56-54
Screenshot from 2021-07-30 01-58-07

For question 2 how do you come up with an answer or what will be the strategy without going with the options? what would you put in the blank (i) while solving before choosing from the options?
For question 4, I don’t have a single clue to approach it. Can someone shed some light on the strategy and logic?

  1. a, d
  2. c, e, h
    Where do you need help?

q4, blank i and ii how do you use the math strategy? and also for q2 blank i ?

For q4 blank iii, is my following approach correct?

blank iii X unless (negative ) X no invention (negative)
so blank iii must be having a positive connotation
but how do you choose between evaluate and protect what evidence must be used?

acumen (positive) | , (support)| +
A and C are positive
But acumen suggests that she was knowledgeable, where as curiosity suggests that you don’t know about the subject matter
So, ans. A

I don’t see the scope of math strategy within the first sentence
Second sentence:
(ii)_____ |, (Support) | greatest role in continuing innovation (+)
So, (ii) is + : The only + option is E

Coming back to first blank
(i) | . (support) | (ii) (+)
(i): +
C is the only positive option

No, that is not quite how you apply math strategy
You don’t multiply two sides, you multiply one side with an operator to determine the other side
Government’s greatest roles is patent office | . (support) | patent original ideas
patents protect original ideas, not evaluate them so, H

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Thank you. It is clear to me now.