OG (Verbal) Mixed practice set 3, RC Q.14

In this RC question, a long passage, OG (Verbal) Mixed practice set 3, Q.14, I think the answer choice B is tricky because of one reason. Although I found that all other 4 choices are wrong, I have a doubt in the answer choice B because of the given information in the passage.

Q: Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage as a whole?
choice B: A hypothesis is presented and discussed, and a limitation to the hypothesis
is identified.

Now, in the passage, in paragraph 3, line 25, it is said that “However, the discontinuity hypothesis can pose problems of its own.” So when I saw that in the answer choices it is mentioned that there is a limitation, not limitations, I skip this answer choice. Because in the passage, it is given as plural, problems, not a problem. Now, I would choice B, if in the passage, it were said that …can pose a problem…instead of problems. Or I would also choice B if it were like this in the answer choice… A hypothesis is presented and discussed, and limitations to the hypothesis is identified.

But later I found that-after reading the passage thoroughly-although it is mentioned in the passage that this can pose problems, they actually talked about only one problem,not problems, in the subsequent sentences. I find this really tricky. Or is it a very common thing in the passage? Let’s say, the author says in the passage that …there are benefits to this research methodology. but actually he/she only describes a single benefit over the next 4 or 5 lines.Then, in one of the answer choices, it is given that …there is a benefit to this method. Now, I would skip this answer choice since in the passage it is written that there are benefits, but the answer choice mentions that there is a benefit.

I am raising this question, because I saw in the videos that Greg eliminates many answers choices on the basis of this concept. I am not sure if I understood them correctly or is this specific answer choice is a bit tricky.

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I think you can choose B safely.
Choice B by itself is correct, as “a limitation to the hypothesis is identified.” is indeed a true statement even though the possibility of more limitations exist the paragraph does identify only one.
Also in the paragraph, a hedge word is used. Instead of “However, the discontinuity hypothesis poses problems of its own.” the paragraph states “However, the discontinuity hypothesis can pose problems of its own.”. So there can be multiple problems, but the paragraph only focuses on one.
Coming to your example, if the answer states that “a benefit of this method is discussed” then this would be the correct answer. If the answer states that “a benefit of this method exist” then this would be an incorrect answer as the passage explicitly states that there are multiple benefits, even though only one is discussed.
I don’t recall eliminating answer choice using the above case. This might even be a bad question design in my opinion. Usually, an elimination using the plural strategy has the singular word in the passage and the plural word in the answer choice.

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