Operations with Negative #

Hi! For the PrepSwift Operations with Negative numbers question #6: “x equals the sum of a negative number with an even exponent and a negative number with an odd exponent” -

How do I know if this question is referencing ex: (-5)^2 or -5^2 based on the wording alone?

It’s the first one, I think

x = p^a + q^b where p < 0, a is even, q < 0 and b is odd.

Do you think it would be outlined on the exam or can it be phrased similarly? How will I know if it’s referencing () or not?

I don’t think so, you gotta check for brackets and deduce it yourself

We need to know the answer to the question of whether to assume parenthesis or not as that will decide the answer to this question.

You do have to assume brackets here.

Ok. Then it is not a good question. Assumption can work work both ways

There is no “assumption” going here - the issues I am seeing here are simply due to students not understanding what the problem is, and in particular not spotting the difference in wording between (-x)^k and -(x^k).

In other words, the question remains perfectly valid.

Thanks - can you explain the difference in wording please? I can’t tell from the wording of the question whether we it is referring to (−x)k and −(xk).

Let x > 0.

  • negative number = -x
  • negative number with even exponent = (-x)^k (where k is even)

  • positive number: x
  • positive number with even exponent = x^k
  • negative of a positive number with even exponent: -(x^k)

Do you see the difference?

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