Pp1 quant score

So I gave PP1 recently In which I got 19 correct in sec 1 and 17 in sec 2 of the quant. But the cumulative total for quant I got is 164 whereas i guess it should be around 166.
Any guesses here?

PP1 is relatively old and the questions have become relatively tougher over time. Thus to adjust for this change in difficulty, ETS has manipulated the algorithm in a way that even if you get a few questions incorrect, your score falls more than it would on the current GRE. It is analogous to how we adjust rise in pricing or profits by considering inflation. This information was from one of Greg’s videos.

You mean to say a similar test on actual current GRE will fetch me higher scores?

Given that you get same amount of questions correct, I believe at least 166, maybe even 1 or 2 points higher.

Does the same applies to verbal as well?

I am not sure about the verbal. But from what I have heard the difficulty of current verbal is quite the same as before. So the scoring algorithm may also be the same.