Question re: Piece by Piece video on Prepswift Quant

Greg says that the answer is 44 here, but couldn’t we get a smaller number by dividing 84 by 4, or a greater factor than 2?

  • So if we divide it by 4 we can get 21 / 21 / 21/ 21 and then 1 for all the rest
  • But then we have the other 3 than the first child give 1 candy each to the first child, which would mean they get 24 and the other three each have 20
  • Which is smaller than 44?

Take five candies from the third person and give it to the second.

Sorry I still don’t get it :cry: What changes if you add 5 candies to the second?

Currently you have

24 20 20 20 …

If I take five candies from the third person, then I have

24 20 15 20 …

If I give them to the second person, then we have

24 25 15 20 …

Does the first person now have the greatest number of candies?