Regarding (2024 Edition) GRE TC and SE Strategy Series - Session 1 flowchart mistake?

The Flowchart at the 56th minute mentions the reading of the answers on the top. This is contrasted by the initial cover and read section when greg says that the options are our enemy. Which is it?

Hey, could you post a screenshot of the diagram you’re referring to?

It says Cover the answers on the top

What the contradiction here?

Cover the answers, means cover the options. but greg says against it throught out the series

What does cover the answers mean exactly

Put your hand over the answer choices to stop you looking at them. It means “don’t look at them”. Is that your confusion?

Oh! Sorry I thought cover as in as in to go over. Should have been hide, but it’s ok. Just got confused

Haha glad we cleared that up, I get how that can be a little confusing