Retaining Verbal Knowledge for Next Attempt

Hey to everyone , I got a decent score in GRE , But I was shocked with my Quant performance actually,I want to retake but I don’t want to lose my Verbal performance as well , My Mocks and verbal had just 1 point difference , So I would be happy with even 2-3 points improvement in Quant , I still have my PPP2,3 available to do , Can I do this ? any suggestions @Leaderboard @HoldMyBeer

A detailed note , I finished all Sections in Quant well ahead of time , I think that costed me a lot there in Quant ?

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You haven’t even provided your scores to begin with.

Extremely Sorry it was a Q166/V159 , Scored Q169 consistently in Mocks and V158 in verbal @Leaderboard Any advise ?