Slop equation

Guys, what is the slop of the equation y=-2/x?

I’m getting 1

I can draw it on a coordinate plane, but also when I want to calculate x intercept, it doesn’t make any sense what so ever! Is that because it’s too late and I’m hungry right now?

Notice there’s not y intercept, which means that it has to go through the origin, but it doesn’t!!! :exploding_head:

according to Wolframalpha it’s a hyperbola. I still need to know how to calculate the slop. Obviously it is not 1

The slope of that equation isn’t constant. From a GRE perspective, you should be using logic (the GRE will not ask you to just find the slope of a non-linear equation).

Anyway, you need to take the derivative:

y = \frac{-2}{x}
\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{2}{x^2}

That is, the slope will depend on the x - coordinate (so it is one only if x = -2).


thank you