TTP for Quant & Gregmat for Verbal OR Gregmat 2month?

I’m restarting my GRE journey so I’ve done most things already. As I restart the journey I’m wondering what are your favorite resources/suggestions. I’m thinking about either of the two:

  1. :watermelon: TTP for Quant and Gregmat for Verbal (probably follow his 2 month plan, since I’ve done the 1 month plan a few times)

  2. :hot_face: Gregmat’s 2 month plan spread over 4 months instead. Re-doing all of Manhattan Prep etc.

Any suggestions or thoughts regarding this would be really helpful. Thanks!!!

Mainly looking to see if anyone else here has experienced TTP. I used them for 1 month and found it really really valuable especially since I had done all other problems. Sadly, my test score after the 3rd try was the lowest yet, which is why I’m curious about other people’s experience.
