Can someone help with breaking down the different logic arguments in the answer choices? My logic breakdown is below, would appreciate feedback on where I might have gone wrong.
Let’s say
P: subject of the under image of painting appears in other authentic paintings
Q: painting is authentic
Answer B: in most cases, Q contains P.
Answer C: if not Q, then not P
Since the logic of answer C does not guarantee that if P, then Q, I went with answer B. B also was more topical and less universal.
B is a wonderful trap laid by ETS. See the question demands us to answer in absolute due to the must present in it.
And as Choice B says Many (not equal absolute ) we can immediately mark it as wrong.
I see, thank you very much!!
I think Greg mentioned the same thing when he solved this in his CR dedicated series(can’t exactly remember the session number) .
Thanks, I just watched and it was at the end of session 4. Always demoralizing to spend so long agonizing over something Greg picks up so quickly.
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One of the perks of being a GRE tutor I guess