Why is B not an an answer here?

Are E, F the right answers here because B does not have a pair? What if there was another option that was a synonym to mysterious? Would we still pick E,F? I can also see why a mysterious exit from a company would mean keeping a low profile.


Hi @aptskr1109

How I solved it,
Here, as he was keeping a low profile, so I knew that something is wrong and not comfortable, but, I am not particularly sure about the fact that it is mysterious or not.
Means I wanted to say is, mysterious is something more specific, but according to the sentence, the answer should be more general, as we don’t have enough evidence about the person, that, whether his exit from the company was mysterious, sudden etc. etc. rather we only know that something is wrong regarding his company exit as he was keeping a low profile, that’s why, E and F is the best choice even if, there would have existed, a synonym of mysterious.

Thanks for the explanation.

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