Hi All,
So I’ve been a Gregmat subscriber for about 3 months now. I’ve done the two-months plan, followed every class including skills and concepts and I was doing pretty well when I was in the flow… But then once the classes ended I started to practice other materials and it wasn’t as organised as to when I was following the plan everyday.
Now that I am practicing previous maths again, I realise I could think more conceptually and do the maths better before rather than now, and the same maths are taking more time for me to do or I am not able to think at the same level. Any suggestions as to how I should brush up my skills in the last 7 days before my test? I am talking about specifically the quant section.
I also have weakness in a few chapters - say Geometry, or QCs related to algebra. Any tips on how to improve that?
I feel like I learnt so much and I am losing it just when I need it the most.
Any suggestions would be of great help. Thanks!