can we solve the second blank using nonetheless and math strategy
I solved the blank(i) first as it was easier : _____ his talents on a host of unworthy project → My guess is waste.
And blank(ii) is previously referenced and its referring to this to the idea of waste(blank i)
i solved the first blank in the same way but can we focus on nonetheless and give it a (-) and extravagance and give it a (-) so the blank has to be something that supports that idea of extravagance
Can you plz put it in words
After blank(ii) we have the dividing word nonetheless(-ve) which is a contrast and then we have enhanced his reputation (which is something +ve) and after that we have the reason/support (due to the word for) of why its enhanced its reputation. Thus, using math strategy we have:-
________ (blank ii ) nontheless(-ve) enhanced his reputation(+ve) → hence, blank two will be (-ve)
and as we look to the right after the phrase “enhanced his reputation” we will find the clue for blank(ii) which is sheer energy of his extravagance and as blank(ii) is some quality or behavior of that person , we can reuse extravagance for the blank.
Thank you so so much now i fullly understand it thanks a lot is this a level 5