3 Blank TC Questions Getting Wrong

Hi @gregmat / @HoldMyBeer ,

As suggested in the courses to change the way we usually solve problems and follow a process to nail it, I am now able to force myself to follow the process to get to the answers by applying strategies and doing eliminations.

However, this works well for 1,2-blank TC questions (which majority of times I am getting correct) , but when it comes to 3-blank questions, which “I feel I’m able to understand the sentences and choices provided” (which doesn’t seems to be the case, else would have got them all correct) and can only manage to get 2 blanks correct at best, or sometimes just 1. Rarely do I succeed in getting all three blanks right.

Current Approach which I am following:

  1. Don’t directly read the sentences
  2. Check for Support/Contrast or Double Possibility
  3. Try to break the problem in multiple ideas and solve them as 1-blank/2-blank question.
  4. Solve each sentences by applying strategies and elimination
  5. Then check overall sentence, whether it makes sense.

Due to this, I have started to feel somewhat less confident :frowning:

Could you please suggest what might be causing this issue or if I am doing something wrong, I would like to find ways to minimize these mistakes.


You probably need to conduct a thorough review to identify where you’re going wrong with any type of question. For example, is vocabulary an issue? Is timing an issue? Is there a problem with any particular strategy? Be as specific as possible. To illustrate what I mean, consider how a wine taster describes the notes in their wine. They don’t just say it’s a white wine because the color is straw-yellow, yellow-green, or yellow-gold and it will probably be lighter and fruitier.

Also, don’t go with "I feel like… " instead look for concrete examples like : I did 2 timed sections in Big Book or one exercise in ETS GRE guide etc… and these are my findings .

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Thanks for your quick response :slight_smile:

My bad I didn’t framed the query properly about the findings, I did ETS - Verbal Reasoning and OG Practice Sets TC questions under a timed condition, and the observation which I had are the same which I have query about.

I was confidently able to do the 2-blankers, 1 blanker question and got only 1-2 wrong, but when I do the 3-blanks, only few of them were correct and rest were only partially correct. Upon checking the explanation provided for each of them, I could say that, I understood the sentence meaning, but somewhere I am getting confused with selecting the answer choices.

As of now I think it can be that I am unable to perform proper elimination of answer choices, but there might be others reasons as well which I am not able to find out.

look at : 3 blankers video at: https://www.gregmat.com/feed (20sep ), same here : https://www.gregmat.com/course/non-sequenced-verbal-classes at (under heading 160 +)

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