3 Blanker help

Blank(i) and blank (ii) are opposite of each other due to the phrase “at the edges of…much needed shot of”
Now, if they are relaying on edges for something creative then the cloying commercial radio and clueless record must be fixed/rigid initially.
Blank(i) = narrow/fixed , Blank(ii) = creative

Clue for blank (iii) is “crawling all over…obscure locale” —> Means something to do with people : So, I will put lot of people in the blank.

thank you for the reply, I have a question

I now get the second and third blank, but still not able to figure out first one.
also how is “at the edges” phrase signaling a contrast?

It means at the center "we go something going " and then at the edges(boundary) we got the opposite of that something.

Basically, you can para-phrase “at the edges” to “at the opposites”.