A Quant example from the Princeton Review

S = { 1,2,3,4,5,7}

X and y are distinct numbers from set S.

Quantity A
The number of different
possible values of xy

Quantity B

I find this notation of xy unclear whether it means a multiplication of a pair or simply pairing of two distinct numbers.

I interpreted as a pairing (12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 23, 34, 45, 57, etc.), Thus I found the number of different possible values to be 30 (6 times 5).

However, on the explanation provided, it states xy as a multiplication of two numbers. 1 times 2 which would be same as 2 times 1, thus leading to 15 different possible values (30/2).

Is it just me finding this problem statement unclear?

xy is generally a product of two numbers, unless otherwise specified.

Yes, thank you. I too usually take xy as a form of multiplication. But some reason, I immediately approached this problem as a pairing . Oh, I guess if it had meant for a pairing, (x,y) should have been used in place of xy.