Advice on When to Schedule the GRE Based on PowerPrep I

Hey everyone! I didn’t get a chance to ask this in the coffee chat class today, but I started the 2-Month plan at the beginning of the month and took PowerPrep I last week. From that I got a 334 (164Q, 170V). I’m working on the Writing and getting my Quant up (mostly from better pacing/not making dumb mistakes) but I’m thinking it may be good to get a test date on the calendar. Anyone have any recommendations as to when I might realistically want to schedule a test for? Ideally before the end of July but I can do slightly later if learning the Writing section demands more time.

Also, does anyone have suggestions on how I might deviate from the 2-month plan based on the scores? I’m thinking of focusing on more of the Extreme Quant problems and trying to skip ahead to the Writing videos in the plan, but I’d appreciate any other suggestions! I will say I still get a lot out of watching the Quant Concepts videos/associated practice and the vocab quizzes.

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