Advice Re: Study Prep. Diagnostic 143V, 146Q

Hello everyone,

I recently took the diagnostic test via the ETS website; I received a score of 143 on verbal and 146 on quant. I have to say, I am a bit distraught about my scores, but I am sure my scores will increase as I continue to study. I was wondering if anyone can offer some advice on the number of hours per week I should study; here are a few factors to consider:

*Applying to MSW/MPH and MSW/MPP programs (master’s social work/public health and master’s social work/public policy). Usually, the MSW programs do not require a GRE, but the public health and public policy programs do.
*I plan to take the GRE the second week in November as the earliest priority deadline for one of the schools is December 1.
*I work full-time (32 hrs) and go to school part-time (9 credit hrs). I have developed a study plan and, so far, I study about 13-14 hrs/week on quant, 7 hrs/week on verbal, and 3.5-4 hrs/week on analytical.
*I am shooting for 155V and 157Q

Thanks in advance!

As you got plenty of time, I suggest you stretch the two months plan according to your needs.
Link to two months plan

Your number of studying hours can vary but try to be consistent with you’re prep as it get harder to maintain same level of motivation over a long period of time. (One and half hour each day for Quant or Verbal is good )

Great, thank you!