Algebra Question 14

Hey Everyone, I don’t understand how this isn’t answer choice C? When x = 8, then y=0 and that’s the lowest possible value. Since we’re comparing this to 0, shouldn’t it be answer choice C? Is it because there may be some constant attached to the end of the factored equation? For example, (x-8)^2 + 10? Therefore the minimum possible value of y would be 10?

Which video is this from?

No, because that would be a different equation.

x^2 - 16x + 64 = (x - 8)^2

To be clear, the answer is indeed C

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Algebra Part 4 (Session 13). It’s under the Week 2-Day 1 of the 1-Month Study Plan (V2.0)

Ok makes sense that’s exactly what I thought thank you

I think Greg did intend the answer to be C; notice that he marks B while solving the question but it’s clear that’s just part of his explaining the answer. Odd that he didn’t explicitly mark C, which is the source of your confusion.

At first he marked C correct but I believe he said that it was incorrect in the video and that it was B. Maybe I’m mistaken.