Algebra: question in video

Hey everyone, so I don’t understand how we can transform the n that we bring to the right side of the equation to 3n / 3. In my understanding you can only do this kind of operation when you do it to both sides, but in this case we are only transforming the single n by multiplying it by 3 to get the same nominator as 2n/3. Thanks for your help.

Or does multiplying the single n by 3 not change anything to the number and is it therefore allowed?

If you are referring to the \frac{3n}{3}, notice that we start from n. We multiply and divide n by 3, and hence it’s the same as if we did nothing.

In the future, it helps if you include the video where you see this as it helps us get the exact context.

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Thanks for this! The video is behind a paywall but the question is on top so I thought that would be sufficient context. Totally clear now, many thanks. Have to take more time when solving the questions :slight_smile:

It looks like a PrepSwift video to me. I have full access to them; others may also be using that site.

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ok will do!