Ambiguous phrase

it is the 20. question of algebra section of manhattan 5 lb.
isn’t the ‘‘which is one-third of c’’ a bit ambiguous. it could mean both, a is one-third of c and b is one-third of c. Each intrepretation results in a different answer.
Do you also think that there is an inherent problem with the question? Or is there a possiblity that I would face this question in the GRE?

Based on the question, the right logic here would be to consider the value of b to be one third of c. The term “which is” directly follows b. If a was one third of c, they’d exclusively mention it.

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b will indeed be one third of c. yes it is slightly ambiguous but if a were one third of c, the term which is hadn’t been used.

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thanks. got it

thanks. got the answer