Analysing Powerprep1

I just gave my powerprep-1 yesterday and got a 145V and 163Q. I don’t understand how these scores are calculated because I got 17 correct in Q1 and 18 correct in Q2, so shouldn’t my Quant score be >=165?
In Verbal I got, 8 correct in V1 and 7 correct in V2, and if the bonus system works according to what Greg explained in this video (GRE Scoring Algorithm - How is the GRE Scored? - YouTube), shouldn’t the score be >145?

I am new to GRE, so I may be missing something, I will be glad if someone can help me understand this.


Interesting that you ask the day after I was listening to this podcast episode. Give a listen to the Have a Coffee with Greg of May 31st. Link: Podcasts - GregMat

I seeked the audio to the point that answers your question.

Hope that’s useful. Good luck!

Thanks, Maverick, that perfectly answers my question