Can anybody help me to understand why I got a -2 penalty in the quant section?
I watched GregMat’s video on how the GRE is scored(GRE Scoring Algorithm - How is the GRE Scored? - YouTube). And I gave the PP1 exam 8 days ago and the quant scores I got does not match GregMat’s video at all. Is the video obsolete? Has Greg posted a new video in its place?
This is my PP1 result. It makes no sense that when I got 30 right on Quant(14+16), and there isn’t supposed to be any penalty for getting 14 on the first Quant section, why would I get 158 on Quant instead of 160?
Can someone help me understand this better?
@amanagarwal9299 As it has been replied earlier by @HoldMyBeer, the scoring algorithm for PP1 and PP2 is a bit off i.e., the final score that you got is not analogous to what you would get in an actual test.