Answer Choices in Concept Videos?

Hi everyone,

Just started with GregMAT and I really doubt this hasn’t been answered already but its 12:15am and I’m tired/can’t find the answer.

In the GregMAT recorded video classes, when an example question is shown, where do I find the answer choices? How do I follow along with the actual question?

Thank you,

The solutions are always discussed on the next lecture. So HW for lec1 will be discussed at the beginning of lec 2…and so on

Yes, @andferya you can find the answer along with the explanations in the subsequent classes.

ok from what im understanding your are talking about comparison questions. Those type of questions gives two values; a and b and there is an information given above it sometimes.
Out of the given values, when a is bigger the answer is A, when b is bigger the answer is B, when a value and b value are equal the answer is C and lastly when we can not obtain any info about the relation between the two values, the answer is D. ( a>b - A; b>a - B; a=b - C; ??? - D )
X > 0
value a : x+2
value b : x
since value a is bigger then b the answer choice is A. (this is a random i made up in my head)
if you already know this and i misunderstood… soorryyyy :grimacing:

So maybe I’m not fully understanding yet but I shouldve been much more specific.

The Concept Series videos example questions answer choices will be in the previous concept video?

Hi! I wanted to jump on and ask the same question but see the topic has already been started, but i still don’t quite understand. So I just watched the first quant concept video (week 1 day 1 integers and primes) in the 2 month plan, and like andferya was saying, answer selections like A, B, C, etc were not visible for many answers when the question was presented (for example, at 1:10:12 what answers should we choose from if there are none visible? Am i supposed to have another video pulled up or a book with the available answer selections?

(I see from responses the exact answer selections must be in a subsequent video but I cannot find it/am not sure where to look. Could someone give an example of where to find the question selection answers from the first video (quant concepts, integers and primes)? Thank you so much!



So all these questions are quantitative comparison questions. Whenever there are no answer choices, these are the answers always…

A. Answer A is larger
B. Answer B is larger
C. Both are the same
D. Information cannot be determined by problem

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Thank you so much andferya! and I get it now- b/c they’re comparison questions all of the answers are comparisions lol!

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