Arithmetic and Algebra Greg session

Here, in Q.2, @gregmat got the answer B. However, I have concern that if we consider the value of x as 0, then it cannot be determined from the information. I have encountered questions like these and think that we shouldn’t algebraically determine the value unless tested with 0. What do you guys think?

0 at the denominator is not allowed and it is stated in the ETS math review guide so you cannot put x=0 since that value is not allowed according to the guideline, therefore the answer should be B, also this is a Quant problem so I think this should be in the Quant Section

Is it true? Ohh…

I think the question has to state itself that x is not equal to 0. Else, it should be D. Can you show me where exactly it is given in ETS review?


Thanks @HoldMyBeer .

But this doesn’t guarantee the given question is fraction or not.

If you want an easy way to solve question 2 then just cross-multiply quantities A and B.
You will end with x^2(QtyA) =? \ x^2+1 (Qty B)

Right… what if x was 0? It won’t work.
Can you solve this question for me? There’s a lot ambiguity going on here.

But there is a little caveat in this x should not equal to 0 or - 1/2 for these two points this equation will be undefined and because the question only mentioned that x is not equal to 0 hence, we have to choose D I think otherwise they are equal

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Yeah… so I think it has to be mentioned the value of x or else we go for D.