Arithmetic and Algebra Vid 2 Question Concern

hi everyone, hope you’re all well. New member of Gregmatt. Can someone please explain this question to me? I’m having a hard time understanding this. Thanks

Search this question here on the internet - this has been discussed many times before.

i did search the internet :confused: but couldn’t find any solution

The first result points to

prime factor 24 and 108
24- 2^3 * 3
108- 2^2 * 3^3
This means n^2 has 2^3 and 3^3 that is 216 (LCM)
Now what that means is that N has at least Two 2s and Two 3s, since having one of each wouldn’t be able to complete the square
Now check the options and see which ones have two 2s and two 3s