Be a Skeptic!

Well, I love Greg’s advice,(this is in reference to RC Questions) it’s short, quippy, and good (mostly). Except when you start getting sceptical of your own answers, and that’s where your already flailing confidence, starts shaking, akin to Bambi’s legs on ice. That’s me tackling any RC question now. I just keep rethinking, and trying to justify the perfect answer, instead of the best suited one. This is an bug which I must resolve, but this is definitely troubling me.

Any advice would be great!

Can you post an example of such a question? Generally doing the “yes or no” or “be a car” approach tends to be good for RC.

“Be a skeptic” is more for CR haha, and only for reading the passage, not for the answer choices.

Yep, CR. Sorry, I was so riled up, I flipped the words lol. I mess up the answer choices with the same issue as well. Hopefully, I will become better at it, eventually

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