Big book help

d = 5.03894 and [d] is the decimal expression for d rounded to the nearest thousandth.

Quantity A: The number of decimal
places where d and [d]

Quantity B: 4

I couldnt understand what the question really is asking

Let’s say if d = 0.2339
[d] = d rounded off to the nearest thousandth (third digit to the right of the decimal) = 0.234
In this case, d and [d] differ at 2 different decimal places - thousandth [3,4] and ten thousandth [9,0]

You can apply the same process to the question
d = 5.03894
[d] = 5.039
They differ at 3 places: thousandth [8,9], ten thousandth [9,0] and hundred thousandth [4,0]
A = 3
B = 4
Ans. B

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thank you so much