Big Book (Old GRE) RC vs Current GRE exam

Hey all!

To those who have sat for the GRE exam: I would like to ask, is the RC question and passage style similar to that of the Big Book? Style meaning, is the passage, questions and answer choices laid out in a similar fashion?

Appreciate your answers! Thanks!

As far as the passages are concerned, they won’t completely prepare you for everything you will see on test day. Some of the passages on the new GRE are written in a more straightforward, non-academic language, similar to what you’d usually find in The Atlantic Monthly , Scientific American , etc. Also, the flavor of some of the questions has changed – after all, both the Big Book and 10th Edition are based on content that is twenty years old. - Chris Lele

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But aside that its the best source to practice RC’s apart from the current official ETS material.