Big book (Old) GRE results estimate to current GRE results

Do we have some estimation (more or less), how to convert OLD GRE results with current GRE (V and Q seperatly)?

would be nice to have a table or some indications.

Thanks for helping


Something like this would be enough:

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Now the question is: how do I calculate old gre score? Since the range is from 200-800.

The above link should explain that.

doesn’t seems like that. how do I calculate old gre score from the big book? for example if i do in one test on quant and i get 26/30 of the the Big Book, what should be my score(200-800)? this question is even for the verbal.

There should be a conversion table at the end of each test that should allow you to do that. This only works when you completed an entire test however.

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Yes, right on the big book there is conversion table. in the end of each test… onfortunatly like you said, must completed the entire test… :cry: