Big book pp.402, test 10

is the second part of this question (after semi-colon) helpful in solving the blank? or do we have enough evidence in the first part to get to the answer?


isn’t the “particular interested in” signals that the answers he is trying to get needed to be specific or definitive?
if yes, then why we need the second idea?

I would argue that being particularly interested in something is insufficient evidence to speak to what type of answers Vaillant is looking for. For example, if I know that they are interested, would I be able to say if they would like detailed, relatable, esoteric, convoluted, or non-traditional answers?

The clear evidence stated in the question regarding the type of answer is “a way to close the book”, which means the answer is something conclusive or definitive.

@bunion-airfare.0n I find esoteric the part where you’ve provided the example. What I am trying to imply is that if you’re so certain that one is interested, then how would you not be able to know one’s preference? If that’s the case, isn’t it sufficient? I am trying to understand your perspective here.

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Without looking at the answers, and only looking at the portion of the sentence before the colon, what word would you place in the blank? In that portion of the sentence, I am personally unable to find any direct evidence to indicate a modifier for “answers”.

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@bunion-airfare.0n but if someone is trying to close the book, why he would be looking for definitive answers? there are many books in which the questions that are asked at the conclusion are open ended or to say, the ones that could only be answered in a complex or nuanced manner . For example here the phrase “few questions” is trying to address “human nature” which indeed is complex and not definitive.

Ah, I believe the phrase “to close the book on” something is an idiom, which means to end, stop, or complete something.

If that’s the case then I think it makes sense for me now because “close the book” on means trying to conclude something and without any definitive answers he wouldn’t be able to finish it.
My mistake was I literally thought he was writing some book. :joy:
Thanks for highlighting it. :raised_hands:

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