While I did go through Greg’s Big Book walkthrough for this test, I did not understand why E is the wrong choice. The reason is that the word “eroded” is used in the passage and so, if the rocks weren’t eroded, then probably the 2D analysis would have been enough (by inference).
So, we don’t want 2d and eroded . What we want is 3d and intact (line 16)
Hence, option D and E are out
Statement 1) If We want both 3D and intact (at the same time), then option B is correct
Statement 2) Because if it is 3D or intact, then option E also gets satisfied.
I guess my confusion is why statement 1 is correct and not statement 2.
If its not badly eroded then it still be an 2D image . What we want is to remove the problem from its roots = give up on 2d completely
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I get it
But it is a tough one!
Hi, by the way, which question type is this - lookup “specific” detail type or inference type?