Big Book TC question - test 6 section 1 q4

I understood this question as a time contrast, and I thought the answer was option C.

Could someone explain why the answer is option E?

why you thought C was correct?

I think my main issue is with the first blank. Since agriculture was preeminent, to take down their power, you need to destroy their power. Which is why I chose C.

I do understand why and how E is correct. But I’m not sure why ‘toppled’ is wrong.

The question discusses the shift in economic power from land ownership to industry, and how this shift occurred only after industry had become the preeminent form of production.

The word “toppled” can imply a dramatic shift in power, it may not accurately reflect the historical relationship between industry and agriculture. The word “supplanted” in option E, on the other hand, means to take the place of something else, often by force or as a result of being more successful. This more accurately reflects the idea that industry eventually became more dominant than agriculture, not necessarily by destroying its power, but by becoming more successful and taking its place as the preeminent form of production.