I’m working through this particular question, and using my “native speaker intuition” I know that the first blank would be some form of “studied” while the second is some form of “interest”. But how can I approach this question in a methodical way, as opposed to the “feel like” technique?
I think with this one we have to look at if the answer choices fit in within the sentence while eliminating the wrong ones because the logic is not that hard to figure out. For eg: We have to infer that studying is a never-ending process .
So this is how I approached it (in sequence):
“That” is the division word.
In the first part they talk about the “study of ecosystems and vegetation types”. If you look at it binarily, you can either make a study comprehensive (meaning adequate) or superficial (inadequate).
If your study is adequate, you would no longer require ecologists, and vice versa (inadequate and require ecologists). Judging by the phrase “There are, as yet, no…etc”, they’re probably referring to the inadequacy of the study.
I put words synonymous with “comprehensive” and “require” as the first and second blanks respectively.
I would probably use the usage strategy (option choices) once I’m done with all the above, to reinforce or revise my logic. Hope this helps.