Big Book_Test 15_Section 4_Question 2

I figured out that in this question the correct answer choice should be synonym of “intricately”. I see two synonyms of “intricately” - (A) a complicated and (B) a convoluted.

Which option should be selected and why or is this a bad question?

Just as such apparently basic things as rocks, clouds, and clams are, in fact, intricately structured entities, so the self, too, is not an “elementary particle,” but is ------- construction.
(A) a complicated
(C) a distorted
(E) an illusory
(B) a convoluted
(D) an amorphous

This question is really confusing for me, it’s easy to make up your mind when you look at the answer choices, but I couldn’t really choose. @gregmat what do you think?

The reason why convoluted is wrong is because its connotation is always negative. But in this case, we don’t want a negatively connoted word.

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